The uprising is happening all over the world. And here in the US, we can barely get 300 people, in the largest cities in the nation, to attend marches, rallies, and protests.
Americans are far too distracted, mollified, pacified. Frightening things are not only looming, but are happening NOW, while we all are watching Walking Dead or the Voice, waiting in line for the new iPhone, shocked and delighted by the antics of Justin Beiber. I say WE because I do not judge, I am one of you, we are part of this together. We need to understand that WE have the bottom line- we buy the products Big Agra and Big Pharma sell. We remain in our sedentary lives while others march against the villainy of the 1%. We have strength in numbers and still do very little to change the immanent future.
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Its dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. BE RIGHT ANYWAY |
In 1776, this country liberated itself from the oligarchies, monarchies, aristocracies and feudal systems of Europe, where the privileged few took ALL the spoils and left crumbs for the peasants to fight over. Democracy was created in opposition to those systems. And now- what we have IS the same- 1% with all the wealth, while the 99% scramble for whatever they can get, laboring under the illusion of having choices and being free. This is not a democracy. This is exactly the opposite of what our founding fathers intended. You may think it is still a democratic process because you get to cast your vote- but in this two party system, you can only choose from two parties who are hopelessly crafted into the problems we face. One can not even be in the running without great financial backing. One can only get great financial backing from corporations who basically buy your support in your bid for election. Once elected, you can sugarcoat all manner of things but the bottom line is you have a debt and the system requires corporate favoritism. And corporations favor domination over the world food supply, energy and fuel, medications- all the things we as modern day consumers can not live without. We do not get behind third party candidates because we continue to be told it is a lost vote. What a convenient way to keep our two party system intact, with no real challengers at that level of office who might effect REAL change, who might actually speak for the 99% of us who inherit the waste and filth of the 1%'s unhinged greed. And what is the 1%, really and truly? An aristocracy, simply put. An aristocracy can not exist in a democracy. It exists in America because true democracy is dead.
Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.
The greatest tool invented, the one that keeps the people quiet, is the invention of the Manufacture of Consent. The American Dream is a marketing tool. Your freedom is a brand. You may not want to hear this, but if you reject it wholesale without at least giving it some consideration, then they have done their jobs perfectly. If you take some time and really think about this, and question some of your deeply held notions about what is really happening- maybe even ask yourself why you are not more angry or even afraid- then at least you are willing to explore who you are- or are not- in relation to the state of things. We can no longer look to our government to protect us, as it is them that we need protection from. What are you going to do about it? Take a look at what other countries are doing. Get inspired.
Jailed Venezuelan Leader Leopoldo Lopez Channels the Resistance- Click this link to read the Washington Post article
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Leopoldo López, the defiant Venezuelan opposition leader taken into custody Tuesday in front of thousands of anti-government protesters, spent last night in a prison on a military base. |
The latest NY Times Article on the uprising in Kiev (as of this minute, anyway)- Click here to read this article
Read more about the recent and ongoing Protest in Thailand
The real evil in the world, more sinister than sheer unshirted greed, is exactly what Frank Zappa is speaking about in this video, and is the OPPOSITE of what we are seeing in Venezuela, Kiev, and everywhere else people gather to check and balance the systems that dictate what our lives will be.
Occupy yourself!
Shake the Hive
Ashley Dane
Read more about the recent and ongoing Protest in Thailand
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Clashes erupted in Central Bangkok on Tuesday |
The real evil in the world, more sinister than sheer unshirted greed, is exactly what Frank Zappa is speaking about in this video, and is the OPPOSITE of what we are seeing in Venezuela, Kiev, and everywhere else people gather to check and balance the systems that dictate what our lives will be.
Occupy yourself!
Shake the Hive
Ashley Dane