It was, without question, a tragedy. That we were able to also witness, in all that devastation, incredible acts of valor and selflessness was an ode to the human spirit. And in our memories of that day, one thing is also true- we were united. The entire country was focused on one thing. It might have been the first time I actually *felt* like an American. I think I didn't even realize it at the time, but in retrospect, I felt a kinship with my country, with all Americans. I knew we were all experiencing shock and horror and sadness and helplessness and loss and anger- all of us together.
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9/11/2001 |
I wish it didn't take an event like that to bring people together en masse. There is so much that tears us apart as a people, so much that divides us- and personally, I think it suits the powers that be just fine that this is true. If we were really United, we would be a real force to be reckoned with. But as it stands, we are divided such things as republican or democrat, liberalism versus conservatism. When the towers were hit, those things didn't matter. Why? Because in the final analysis, they don't really matter. We can, and do, all have our own opinions. We can opine all day long about who in government is making what decision and how its their fault and the other party wouldn't have. It doesn't matter. Because there is a plane headed towards another tower, metaphorically speaking. There is a lot happening in the world, and I can't speak to all of it. There is a lot each one of us can do, and I can't speak to all those many things. But in the daily life we are living, there are things we can do, should do, must do, to alter the course of things for the future, for the planet, for the children of our children's children.
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be afraid. be very afraid. |
In a nutshell, there has been a lot of research into the way the food industry has been controlled. Quite literally, we have been told certain foods are good for us that are not. Things that cause heart disease, and cancer. There are posters and ads encouraging us to eat them, endorsed by the Dairy Association, for example. The most famous recent one- Got milk? I'm sure you know if it. Then there are the foods that are a result of our need for convenience. Fast food, snack foods, processed food products in colorful boxes and bags. A person needs to eat two or three times more of this stuff to feel satisfied. We get addicted to the flavorings, the salt, the chemicals they use to enhance the artificial flavors. Little kids now have diseases that only old people who ate crap their whole lives got- hypertension, heart disease, obesity, diabetes. Its all due to diet. And they WANT you and your children to be sick. Diabetes medication makes Big Pharma a fortune, not to mention heart disease medication...not to mention all the medication for all the side affects of extreme obesity...not to mention a lot of other things- too much to list. THEY ARE MAKING BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OFF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and their compromised health. Doesn't it shock you to think people are working hard to pay for food that makes them sick so they can work hard to spend more money on medicine and doctors and insurance? Because, in effect, Americans are like rats in a maze. We are doing exactly what they want us to do, and we go about our business blissfully unaware. We think its all okay. We think we are making these choices willingly. In a sense, we are, but we don't know we are being slowly poisoned. They don't want to kill us- you can't make money off a corpse. We are like the pods of people in the Matrix- dreaming our lives away while they take everything from you. They allow you to have just enough stuff so you don't even notice. Annnnnnd- I didn't even get to GMOs. Don't get me started. Its just another layer of awfulness that can't be ignored.
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Don't be 'most people'. Occupy yourself |
If this makes you mad, good. Get mad. You are getting FUCKED. You, and your kids, your friends and their kids, your brothers and sisters and neighbors. The American people, who all came together on that fateful day 12 years ago, are all getting the shaft. And one of the hardest things to do is to get them to recognize it. Its crazy, really, but people do not want to know the truth. Ignorance is not bliss, but there is responsibility in knowing the truth- you can not un-ring the bell. You can not act like you don't know. On September 11, 2001, we watched as people died. The truth of the tragedy of it was awake in all of us. Its so rare, and in moments like that, you realize the power of the people. We could all change things. We could.
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We are society. Its us, all of us, that need to change. THEY won't. WE must. |
The first thing? Stop buying their crap. That's easier said than done. I don't want to take up a lot of word space talking about how to do it- watch FORKS OVER KNIVES. That's a start. Watch FOOD FIGHT. You will want to understand why you must change the way you buy, and what you consume. The short answer is- if we buy locally grown as much as possible, if we boycott fast food, do our best to eat a plant based diet (I don't, but I'm trying, and this entire blog chronicles my endeavors), learn new foods to eat that are not processed, foods that actually expire in a week or two, and of those, things which are GMO free.
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The revolutionary is you, doing something different. Caring. Changing. Pissed! |
It sounds like a lot of work, but its more work to have to get a triple bypass by the age of 55. Its more work for our kids who inherit a planet with no bees, with the food supply controlled by the corporations (farming will become illegal, its inevitable), and with only genetically modified foods available whatsoever. No one has to shift everything overnight- but to start to become aware first- I promise the rest will fall into place. A changed perception can not help but call upon a change of behavior.
This is the trailer from FORKS OVER KNIVES-
The future requires us all to be radical in our own lives, to overthrow the status quo of our own selves and question everything we think we believe in. Some of it isn't ours, and we find we don't want it. We've been branded to since we were born, and our taste buds control us. They know it. Question these things. When you think of giving up processed foods- which ones do you think you can't give up? Really start to ask yourself why. You might even discover you don't actually like the thing. Once you start to eat real food, your body may tell you that you never did like it, only your taste buds, and they are easy to manipulate with artificial flavors.
Below is a video I show a lot, it never fails to shock that the seemingly innocent McDonalds Chicken McNuggets are actually a composite of all the parts of a chicken ground up (eyeballs, feathers, guts, feet, beaks) then soaked in ammonia...well, the rest of it is here to see. This is a processed food. It is so far away from what it was when it started that its barely a food anymore. Try telling that to Honey BooBoo.
This is the start of it. Food is so personal. It freaks most people out to even think about changing. There are a million excuses- I am sure you can hear them in your head right now. Look at it. Rebel against it. This is a real revolution. You are waking up. What is happening in the world is happening to all of us, no matter how divided we allow ourselves to be. No matter if you are a liberal, or a conservative- its all happening to you, and to your children, and to your children's children. Time to stop the madness. Watch this video. This is US. Not just Americans, all of us. A world of people. Our world.
On October 12th, there will be Marches Against Monsanto happening in cities all over the world. Click HERE to find out where a march and rally are happening near you.
Occupy yourself! You can do it. I believe in you, whoever you are.
Ashley Dane
Shake The Hive
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