Being so near the bees afforded me an opportunity I have never had; namely, to get close and watch what it is they actually do. I haven't gotten close enough to see the pollen sacs on the back of their legs filled up- that's how they get it back to the hive. I haven't seen the worker bees at the hive greet the incoming honeybees who land at the entrance to the hive, and do this thing almost looks like they are patting them down. I didn't know that all the honeybees are basically female- all except for the drones. Drones are male, and are not loyal to a queen as the rest of a hive are. Drones can show up one day, and hang out for as long as they want, as long as they 'service' the queen. They can stay as long as they want and aren't expected to do anything except please the queen so she can reproduce. That is how they get to also mix up their genetic gene pool. So they come and go, and don't do anything except have sex. There are only a handful of them per hundreds of female bees. It is an entirely matriarchal society, and I had never gotten to see a queen, or a drone, until I went to the Honeylove mentoring day.
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God Save the Queen! We mean it, man! |
It is said that when the bees 'get you', you kind of start getting obsessed. It doesn't make sense in a lot of ways- you can't talk to them or cuddle them or have a relationship in any sort of tangible way- the relationship seems to be more of one with yourself and what the hive represents or amplifies for you. I think its awe inspiring, really, to see all the organization and community, the commitment to the whole, the loyalty to the queen, the perfection of the honeycombs and that it all results in something that was, for thousands of years, the sweetest substance available to man. I love that bees contribute so much to the well being of all life on earth. That is why the next thing I have to do is to learn how to go catch a feral swarm of bees. I will be joining some other bee rescuing people in the near future to learn how to do it. And then there has to be a sanctuary to relocate them, like Honeylove's two sanctuaries in Moorpark and Topanga Canyon. We hope that soon, the laws in LA will change to allow for beekeeping in urban areas. Until then- well, I might indulge in a little guerilla beekeeping. Maybe.
I am also inspired by the act of bee keeping in a revolutionary sense. It is in the best interest of the food corporations to see the bees die. If they die, then we become dependent on them as our primary food source. And if we depend on them, we pay our hard earned dollars for their GMO crap that compromises our immune systems. We become weaker and sicker and dumber. If you have ever read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, that society bred certain castes of people for certain tasks by altering their genetic codes. People who were in mines were created to be shorter, with short legs and strong arms. So in this New World Order we are fast approaching, the foods from the GMO tainted crops could create a lower class of people and eliminate the middle- both financially, and constitutionally. There will be the rich- who will be the healthiest and smartest class, as they will be the only ones to be able to afford the rare and precious natural foods that support brain health and physical well being, while the lower class eats food that makes them dumber and weaker. Dumb them down and they won't question their lives. Weaker so they don't have the energy to do anything but work to buy the tainted food and come home and plug into the internet. They will eat the food that makes them weak and sick, and slave to pay for insurance premiums that they must have due to their weakened immune systems. The lower class will simply be slaves that don't realize they are slaves, doing all the labor so the rich can enjoy being rich. Sort of like in Hunger Games, all the outlying colonies slaving to provide the rich with food and coal and the like, all held in place by the games. As long as you keep them entertained. Its like the blinders on a horse- they will remain docile and go willingly as long as they don't know what is exactly going on.
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Me and bees, June 2013 |
Food is the entry point into this New World Order. The corporations who control the world's food sources will control everything. And water, too, which was brought to public attention by the recent quote from Nestle CEO Peter Brabeck that he believes there should be no public water, that all water sources should be privatized. He believes that people feel too entitled about water. What if that happened? Nestle is a HUGE company, they make billions selling bottled water. Its not out of the realm of possibility that it could happen. Its not out of the realm of possibility that all the bees could die, that Monsanto and Syngenta and Bayer could dominate all world food sources, that Nestle could own the rights to all water. What then?
This is more devious, more insidious than even using religion to control the people. That used to work for, say, the British to control their empire, or the Roman Catholics- it works inside a given system where there is one prevailing religion, and it has worked for thousands of years. But now, on a global scale, there are too many. Religion can not control the globe. But those who control the food and water supply- that's a different story.
So back to the bees. Part of my love for them, besides the elegance of their community, is this. By loving them and helping them, and teaching others to do the same, we fight the system that is threatening to enslave us. Bees thrive in cities best due to there being less pesticides. So it stands to reason that if more people would give space in their back yards or their roof tops for a few hives- and I mean people all over LA, all over California, all over the US, all over the world- then we can keep the bee population healthy, and the natural food growing. The next step is we have to grow what food we can and eat it, or buy local, instead of shopping at the major grocery stores. We can stop buying any brands with GMOs. This is a capitalist society- we have more power than you realize. They need us to spend our money on their products to survive.
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How is your American Dream holding up? |
Many people won't. They are simply too inured in the McHappy Life to consider a lifestyle change of this nature. They think this is folly, and it only serves their apathy to be cavalier about it. Or they think it won't happen in their lifetime. Or they think its a bunch of hippies with conspiracy theories messing with the American Way. So many people have agendas to stay comfortable and simply can't be bothered- I hope you, whoever you are, reading this, are not one of those people, or if you are, you are considering making some changes. Please look at your life, do some more research on what GMOs are, talk to others about it. We need you.
This is why I say this revolution begins in the kitchen. We stop supporting the food corporations. We become responsible for what we eat and feed our kids and where it comes from by buying local as much as we can, and using the lists of brands to boycott when we shop. If you are bold, you can look into beekeeping. You don't get stung- you wear a suit, and they don't need much maintenance- they know how to live without you, they just need safe places to do it. As for water- there are companies that will come put a water filtration system in your house- we use Advanced Pure Water, and it amazing, alkaline water. These are things that anyone and everyone can do, every day, in their own homes. And the more of us that do it, the less power they have. We don't need to riot in the streets- we can riot on our facebook pages, we can wage war in our kitchens, we can enlist our friends and family into the cause- we don't need to campaign- we just need to talk about it.
Here is one way that bees are different than most humans- when someone threatens the well being of their community, they will die to defend it- since they always die after they sting someone, and they only sting when threatened. Most humans will not rise to the occasion. Most will turn on the TV, or browse facebook, or do anything to avoid this reality because it asks them to DO something. Don't be a zombie! OCCUPY YOURSELF!!!!
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The zombie apocalypse is already upon us |
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