Here is what has to say- Tempeh is made from cooked and slightly fermented soybeans and formed into a patty, similar to a very firm veggie burger. Many commercially prepared brands add other grains, such as barley, and also add spices and extra flavors. Although tempeh is made from soy, it has a unique taste and is mildly flavorful on it's own, unlike tofu. If you aren't fond of tofu, tempeh is also very high in protein and calcium, as well as beneficial isoflavones, but tastes nothing like tofu. Tempeh has a textured and nutty flavor.
I also have been reading a lot about fermented food (My good friend Ginny Talley Rodgers first introduced me to the benefits of fermented foods- she is way ahead of the curve. My curve!) and I was really interested in how to start incorporating more into my diet. Click here to read 8 good reasons why fermented foods are important- its a great article!
So as far as tempeh, a fermented soy goes- fermented soy stops the effect of phytic acid (the bad stuff in normal soy products) and increases the availability of isoflavones. The fermentation also creates the probiotics--the "good" bacteria the body is absolutely dependent on, such as lactobacilli--that increase the quantity, availability, digestibility and assimilation of nutrients in the body.
I'm in! Now what? I searched for recipes online and got a little overwhelmed. They were complicated recipes, and I am all about easy recipes. So, I made one up. And I gotta say, I'm a little impressed with myself. High fives all around!
KEEP CALM AND EAT FERMENTED STUFF- TEMPEH BURRITO (more radical recipes from the New Anarchist's Cookbook)
What you'll need-Tempeh- I think its all organic, mine is
one purple onion
Course Mustard
EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
sesame oil
red pepper flakes
Either Nary Dary Chia Cheddar *fermented* cashew butter (which is only available locally for me) OR if you do dairy, then sour cream. You can also try vegetarian sour cream.
Tortillas (the smaller ones) Corn would have been tasty but I am wary of anything with corn unless it says no GMOs on it
Srirarcha sauce (optional)
I like to use my wok for everything, I like how it evenly distributes the heat, but you can use a skillet too.
Cut up the onion (I used half the onion) and put in the pan with EVOO- about 1/3 cup or so
Put sesame oil in, however much you want- this is more to taste
1 tablespoon course mustard (or more, if you like- I am never exact in my measurements)
red pepper flakes
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This is what tempeh looks like. Weird, right? |
Let all that simmer on low while you cut up the tempeh into cubes. Once its all cut, toss that in the pan and cut up a bunch of cilantro and throw that in there, too. Keep an eye on it for about 8 minutes, then take one out and see if it seems ready by tasting it. I say this because everyone's pans and stoves work at a different heat, and you will be able to tell. You can't undercook it, so its really up to you.
When its ready, put the tempeh in a burrito (I like to get my tortillas damp on both sides and warm them over the gas flame of my stove- I sort of slap them over the flame a few times)
Add the Nary Dairy, or sour cream, and the srirarcha sauce, if you like it. I also added more cilantro. The tempeh tastes sort of like meat that has been marinating- the texture is more...texture-y. Its dang good!
Keep Calm and Eat Fermented Stuff- Tempeh Burrito! |
Let me just rant about cilantro for a minute. Its not for everyone, but for years it was one of the first things I would ask a new acquaintance. If they said they didn't like it, I would be very suspicious of them. Now that I am not such a judgmental freak, I don't harsh on anybody for not liking cilantro....but if you *do* like it, then aside from the amazing flavor, you also get all this-
The health benefits of cilantro come from beneficial phytonutrients and antioxidants, especially the flavonoid quercetin. Cilantro is also a good source of dietary fiber and iron, magnesium and manganese. It's a little-known fact that herbs (and spices) such as cilantro have far greater concentrations of antioxidants than any common fruit or vegetable. Herbs also contain a particularly wide variety of antioxidants as well, which makes them more effective at fighting many different kinds of free radicals. Getting the widest variety of antioxidants is just as important as how much of any one antioxidant you get. Many herbs have also been used for medicinal purposes, further demonstrating their health benefits. Click HERE for more info.
I love the smell of cilantro in the morning. It smells like... victory. (High five if you know what movie that's from!) |
This recipe, if you can use the amazing Nary Dairy, contains two fermented foods. If you dig around at your local Natural Foods Co-Op, or wherever you shop for your healthy locally produced foods, I bet they have some other options you could try. Why is this revolutionary? As with any food that keeps you healthy, it keeps you off the BIG PHARMA grid. It keeps you out of their reach. If you eat a whole foods/ plant based diet (even if you still eat animal products, but reduce them to no more than 20% of your intake- its a start. But you want to keep it to a low percentage) then the likelihood of you and your family succumbing to major illness is greatly reduced. GREATLY reduced. I can't say it enough- watch Forks Over Knives, if you haven't already. Watch any and all food documentaries you can- the more appalled you are by what we have accepted as our normal American diet, the better. You should be appalled. They need us to be sick, and weak- its a multi-billion dollar industry, and they stand to lose a lot of we were actually healthy. So for me, eating this fermented stuff instead of a hotdog from Weinerschnitzel is VERY radical. Its not my normal way of doing things- hence, radical.
Don't forget about the March Against Monsanto coming to a city near you this October 12th!
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March Against Monsanto! March For the Future! Power to the People! |
Shake the hive!
Ashley Dane
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