Sunday, December 22, 2013

Watching Teenage Girls Fall in Love with Bees

Last Sunday, I took my 17 year old daughter and her friend out to the Honeylove bee Sanctuary to meet the bees up close and personal. It was, for me, the beginning of Shake the Hive Collective- which is the non-profit for teenage girls that I aim to start in 2014. It is geared to bridge the impulse of compassion into action- I see my kids and all their friends have that impulse naturally- they just don't know how to turn that impulse into action; they haven't been empowered to. STH Collective will have a headquarters where we will run a micro-farm, with bees and chickens. We will work with local non-profits and help them with hands on participation. We will have workshops and classes in food growing, beekeeping, sustainability and permaculture for the kids, their friends and family. And the kids will blog and have a facebook page devoted to their activities, so they can help instill the interest in permaculture and sustainability in their peers.

Zoe and Kaila at the Honeylove Bee Sanctuary

 So, now you can see why this was the start of Shake the Hive Collective- I have been doing a lot of work with my own blog, with the Shake the Hive facebook page, and meeting people in the non-profit world through volunteering, but to bring teenagers out to meet the bees for the first own daughter at that- this was where the rubber finally met the road.

Watching Teenage Girls Fall in Love with Bees

My daughter has been violently afraid of bees her entire life. I give her big props for confronting her fears- and no one was more surprised than me when she said she would like to go. Driving out to Moorpark- which is farm country, about 30 miles from our house- she was nervous. Putting on her bee suit, she kept asking Ceebs from Honeylove if there was any way for a bee to sting her and making sure there were no gaps in her bees suit. Her perception of bees consisted of one main thing- they sting, and that hurts. 

Its kind of like wearing space suits...

After we donned our bee suits (Zoe said she felt like Walter White) we walked up the hill to the hives. She grabbed my arm.  The wonderfully warm Kirk and Rob McFarland (of the husband and wife team Rob and Chelsea McFarland, who started Honeylove) were busy working on cleaning out the hives. There were a handful of others, and as Zoe and Kaila walked up, they saw no one running or screaming from the bees, no one being stung, everyone calm and interested, and the fact that Kirk was holding up trays of honeycomb crawling with hundreds of bees barehanded immediately changed her perception about the intention of bees- they are NOT out to get us. 

Kirk is pointing out the different variations of bees in the hive

Watching my 17 year old child discover the bees was the first time in many years I saw her childlike innocence. She was having a new experience, and soaking it up like a sponge. Before too long, she was handling honeycombs crawling with bees (with gloves on), helping scrape the old beeswax off frames from dead trays of honeycomb, putting her face as close as she could into the hive boxes to see the bees busy with the broods and storage cells, and the die was cast. She was a lily. (If you don't know that quote, then you watch the clip below from the classic movie You Can't take It With You by Frank Capra).  She and her friend Kaila fell in love with the bees.

Its not hard to do, fall in love with the bees- you either get it or you don't. To be able to see their devotion to the task at hand, and to the hive and the queen is a humbling thing, and a reminder that this is a quality that is often missing in human affairs. It is the thing that is missing the presence of which would make a BIG difference. And THAT is exactly what Shake the Hive Collective will continue to ask the teenage participants- when we are growing food, when we work with bees, with chickens, with wolves (at Wolf Connection in Acton)- with any charitable endeavor- What is missing in life that you could bring, that is needed, that you can learn from the bees, the wolves, the act of growing things? It is empowering to interact with the graceful deliberation of the natural world, and to learn to live in accord with it. It is the thing that is missing that will make a difference to disenfranchised teens being raised by single moms. 

Zoe scraping the old beeswax off the frames

Then my daughter did what I hoped she would- she posted this on Facebook 
"Today I volunteered my morning to helping the bees. Not only did I get over one of my biggest fears, but I got to observe them up close & personal. They are truly miraculous little beings, all they care about is their colony and their Queen (she lives up to 7 years while the average bee lives up to 4 weeks!). They do not care to harm us, which is something I learned first hand today. There was a man holding the honey combs with NO gloves on and he was fine! STOP killing bees, they're here to protect and serve, without them we wouldn't exist. If they go endangered we lose 80% of the organic crops we consume due to their inability to properly pollinate. Make peace with the bees! If I did it, you can too!"

She had a bunch of kids respond to this post who want to go to the next mentoring day at the Honeylove Bee Sanctuary, and that is exactly how Shake the Hive Collective aims to educate teens; by having the teens bring the information to their peer groups, get them interested, involved, educated. STH Collective will have workshops for the participants, and for their friends to attend, and for- and this is very important- their mothers. Then those kids will post on social media about their experiences, and so on. We need to reach this demographic, but they aren't going to listen to old people. They have the power to reach each other through social media; one kid can impact thousands. This is the pond where the ripple is endless.

My kid Zoe, holding a honeycomb crawling with her new friends

And what does it do for the self esteem of the kids who are having these experiences, like working with the bees, and posting about it? In that world, where teenage girls are devastated when their new sexy profile picture doesn't get more likes than someone they consider a rival, where it is highly competitive, often cruel, diminishes any real sense of value and chips away at a falsely derived self esteem- it allows for a new sense of self to emerge, a new identity. Other kids respond differently, they respect these activities and the teens who are actively doing them. These teens are getting respect instead of objectification. Teens respond to the way people perceive them as if they are that- so they carefully monitor what people think of them, and it ends up a terrible mess. I have seen teenage girls police their own image on social media, and study the profiles of other girls, critiquing and taking notes, approving or not. I've listened as they've done it, and there is no value in that world. It is all surface, and without an intervention, this is what they will take into the world. The world doesn't need more superficiality, especially when these kids have the capacity for so much more. These are the future stewards of the planet, and future parents of future stewards. To connect them to their own compassion, and to empower them to respond to the world from that place, is the dream of Shake the Hive. Its what I have been doing for most of 2013- empowering myself, recognizing my urge towards compassion and acting on it. Not allowing myself to talk myself out of it, staying on track, and trusting myself to do this work. I have to do it, if I am going to encourage others to- and not just the teens- but the Moms, who are usually in survival mode constantly, frantic with worry about their kids and in a constant state of feeling like they can't do it all, that in some way they are failing their children no matter how hard they try. I AM that mom, I understand this better than anyone. Shake the Hive wants to support those Moms along with their kids, like a beehive filled with female bees who all support the hive, who are devoted to the well being of the hive above all else, STH Collective will have a safe space for their compassionate instincts to unfold and grow strong. Join us at our facebook page- please like us, then hover over the liked button and click "show in notifications" so you will see our posts all the time!

Ashley Dane, Founder of Shake the hive and proud mom of Zoe!

Occupy yourself!


Ashley Dane
Shake the Hive

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Micro-Farming,Chickens, and Urban Beekeeping, Oh My!

I keep delving deeper into permaculture communities in Los Angeles, and they are very welcoming to anyone and everyone who wants to be a part of that world. Its almost to be expected that these people are kind hearted and loving- who else but loving, compassionate people would give up the conveniences that come from our overly processed, pre-packaged, convenience crazed culture in order to compost, grow food in micro-farms in their back yards (or front!), keep bees, raise chickens, and endeavor to live by sustainable practices in terms of upcycling, recycling, and uncycling- which is not using things that would eventually need to be recycled (for example- using a re-usable bottle rather than purchasing single use water bottles). I am thoroughly smitten with people who care.

Ashley Dane, aka Shake the Hive, at GardenerD headquarters

Micro-Farming, Chickens, and Urban Beekeeping, oh my!

I got to see yet another example of that this weekend at the home of Christy, who is a Master Gardener and owner of  GardenerD (that's like garden-nerd, for weeks I was called it Gardener- Dee)- she has a really informative and cool website with tips and information, newsletters, blogs, and all kinds of cool gardening stuff- CLICK HERE TO GO TO GARDENERD. Christy had a gathering at her house, which she called the Holiday Trifecta party- the trifecta being urban farming, beekeeping, and chicken rearing. I was eager just to go be around people for whom this was a lifestyle- it just feels clean. It feels like the usual agendas you encounter in LA are completely insignificant- because, in truth, they are. There is depth and concern and authenticity in these people, and its palpable. And a good looking bunch of people, too! Holy moly. There is a lot to be said for clean living!

Chickens can easily be kept in small spaces!
One of Christy's chickens was in the process of laying her first egg, and was having some anxiety for most of the party. Then suddenly she was quiet, and a few minutes later, there was the egg. I gotta say, I've never been at a party where everyone was cheering about the laying of an egg before- it was a little surreal!  I've been asking a lot of questions about chickens lately- I fully intend for them to be a part of the Shake the Hive Urban Farm, when the time comes. When my friend Dawn won a raffle, she selected a Chickens For Dummies book, which she promptly gave to me. One of these days!

Urban beehiving at GardenerD
Christy's beehive was off to the back of the yard, bees busy as, well, bees- you could see the industriousness but they were not interested in anyone. That's something people should know about beehives- they do not bother people, they have a lot to get done in a day. They won't seek you out to sting you. Having a beehive does not mean you, your family, or your neighbors are going to be attacked by a swarm of bees.

The urban farm at the GardenerD headquarters. Thriving!!
And of course, Christy has an amazing garden of food! Behind her micro-farm is her compost bin. She has a lot of good tips for composting in her book Gardening for Geeks. There are ways to maximize the nutrients of compost- which is important. The plants which one grows to eat need to get their nutrients from somewhere, and dirt is only dirt unless it has nutrients- only then is it soil. Soil composition is really an interesting science, and is often neglected by neophyte gardeners. And new composters as well don't realize that simply throwing their old food in their gardens isn't providing it with what they need.

Composting is cool
The husband and wife team Rob and Chelsea McFarland, who founded Honeylove were also there. I really love what they have done to educate people about bees and to help people become beekeepers. (In fact, I took my 17 year old daughter and her friend out to meet the bees the next day, which was AMAZING)They recently acquired some chickens, and now belong to the growing numbers of people who have an urban farm, chickens, and beehives in their backyard. It goes to show you that its do-able, its being done, and it allows for a new sort of liberty that we as a consumer culture have lost along the way. Its not going off the grid, but its taking measures to live in ways that are in alignment with the wellbeing of our planet. The more we do it, the less we tax the planet, the less we participate in consumer madness, we are healthier (and therefore 70% less likely to end up with chronic diseases- which puts you in the relentless grip of the Big Pharma) and we are happier, (there is nothing quite like a fresh egg from your own backyard, scrambled with basil and tomatoes you grew) because you can't be miserable, shallow and materialistic AND grow your own food- you simply can't.

Rob and Chelsea McFarland, founders of Honeylove

If you want to know more about Honeylove, CLICK HERE. If you are in the LA area, they have beekeeping mentoring workshops the third Sunday of every month.

If you want to check out the GardenerD website, CLICK HERE

Occupy yourself!!!


Ashley Dane
Shake the Hive

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Urban Permaculture Movement is NEXT LEVEL

There are a lot of movements going on in the world.

Protests, marches, and rallies, groups like Anonymous fighting the good fight on terrain where no blood is shed and justice is served in a different way, more people looking into ways to live sustainably. I am reading more and more about people who go off the grid and homestead- in a new sort of way. Not as in squatting on some land and claiming it- homesteading today means being as self sufficient as possible, and using recycled or reclaimed materials as much as possible. Creating alternative energy sources. Micro and urban farming, beekeeping, and alternative irrigation systems like aquaponics being employed.

Its an exciting time. There is probably only 1 person per 10,000 who is taking on the mantle of living more harmoniously with the planet, and choosing not to exist solely as a consumer of products, food, energy and resources. But for those people, its an exalted state of being and living.

Like these guys-The Urban Farming guys- I love them. Here is their mission-

You can find them by clicking HERE.  There is some great information there about permaculture and sustainability.

You've heard about aquaponics but don't really know what it is? This is a pretty comprehensive diagram. It is a way to raise both edible plants AND fish, both of which sustain the other.  To learn more about aquaponics, click HERE.

There are all kinds of great housing ideas for living off the grid- some are surprisingly attractive, while some are rustic and cute and practical. But suffice it to say, there is something for every taste.

Even right here in Los Angeles, there are people living in your neighborhoods who are operating micro-farms, right under everyone's noses.  The Dervaes family operates a micro farm near downtown that grows 6 tons of food in a year's time. They have chickens for eggs, and goats for milk and cheese, they can and preserve what would otherwise go bad, they sell to local restaurants, their home is powered by solar and their cars are diesel, and they make the bio-fuel for it. I freaking love this whole operation- these people really inspire me to create a scenario like this for the Shake the Hive non-profit for teens. It would keep overhead low, and maybe even draw in its own funds. Click HERE to find out more about the Dervaes Family, and what they call (and rightly so) The Path To Freedom.

There are also even more modest micro farming efforts are underway all over the city. I recently met a woman, Kirsten, through a mutual friend, who insisted I come meet her and see her house. It was just an unassuming Spanish style home in the Valley, but its also a little urban farm. Kirsten had a couple of beehives tucked away in her yard. She said was still learning how to work the hives, and her second hive had angry bees. she was pretty offhand about it- some people get sort of obsessive, but she was casual. It was part of her life, and it had woven its way into the ebb and flow of a normal life in the city.
One of Kirsten's two beehives
She then took us out back to see her chicken coop. Well, I asked. She isn't a show off-y person- for her it was like someone saying- "Hey, can I see your washing machine?" This is just her life, her normal life, and if its exceptional, its seems to be lost on her.  She said she didn't really want chickens- a friend of hers had said- "lets go rescue those chickens at the pound," to which she said- "I don't really want chickens, but okay."  I really liked Kirsten- such a laid back person. She just flowed into being someone with a chicken coop, and now she has fresh eggs every day. She says the eggs are all kinds of different colors. She lets her chickens roam around the yard all day, and when they are ready, they go back to their coop on their own.

When we visited, her micro- farm was in between seasons. She had just planted seeds for her fall crop, so there isn't much to see here except for dirt. However, you can get a sense as to how she used the available space to create an urban farm, right next to her driveway.

Kirsten's micro-farm, just seeded for the fall season
You wouldn't expect that- but how cool is it? To have honey and eggs and produce- she also had fruit trees. Its a dream of mine to be able to eat so local that its from my back yard.

And finally, here is how one single mom built her own shipping container house on a shoe string. its pretty cute, and it isn't like she is going without anything. Its super cute, and it allows them to live partially our of doors. I recognize that one can't do this in most places in the US- but there are ways around the weather.

Next year, when I start fundraising for Shake the Hive, these are all things we want to explore. Permaculture, sustainability, farming, beekeeping, raising chickens and aquaponics. Building shipping container homes, composting, and building solar power panels that work. The teens who are part of the non profit will learn how to do these things (As will I; as will the community during workshops hosted by Shake the Hive) and will blog about it on the websites they will build, which they will post on the facebook pages they will manage. They will create their logos for their own organization, they will create a presence and build a community of their peers. They will do video blogs as well, short documentaries- they will create a t shirt or shopping bag with their own logo to fundraise for their own endeavors. They will learn how to change the world and to inspire others to join them.

In all the many movements taking place, I find the revolution that starts with our own personal consumer and lifestyle choices to be the single most relevant thing one person can do. Because we ALL can do this. By doing so, we take money away from those who seek to compromise our health for their profit. We make a stand that there are more of us than them. We become responsible stewards for the planet and for the future. We show our kids the art of living gracefully. Maybe we can't all go live in a shipping container and raise chickens- but there are so many things to do at so many different levels- I have seen small tiny urban farms on fire escapes, for cryin' out loud! It can be done. In NYC they keep bees on rooftops. Chickens too.  We can buy local- not just food, but to support shops and artisans in our neighborhoods and boycott major chain stores. We can find groups in our communities that are striving to make a difference locally.  As consumers, we are occupied by branding, by products, by convenience, by our craving for food (many of which are manufactured for the sole purpose of creating cravings), by our desire for things.  Shake the Hive proposes the Occupy Yourself movement- which is when you re-evaluate all these things, modify your choices, and change your lifestyle in ways that suit your well being, core values, and the sustainability of the planet.

Shake the Hive's Ashley Dane, showing off a mobile solar panel at the Green Festival


Shake the Hive!


Ashley Dane

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Golden Turmeric Latte, Unfuck The World, and a dose of RT (oh my)

One of my favorite discoveries recently happened when I met my dear friend Leon at Cafe Gratitude last week. Actually- it was two great discoveries. The day before, I had posted a meme I found on facebook which showed a man in a shirt that said "Unfuck the World". I didn't know it was an actual shirt that could be bought until my friend Leon commented on it and said he knew the woman who owned that company, and that he was going to get one for me. And he did, that sweetheart of a man could not be dissuaded! So I went to meet Leon for lunch at Cafe Gratitude, where I ordered a turmeric latte called I Am Golden. (all the food and drink choices are named with affirmations, so you can't help but say something amazing about yourself in order, order.) I have heard a lot about the healing properties of turmeric, and I was curious but didn't have high expectations for it being yummy. I was wrong, it was exquisite!

So there were two cool discoveries-the shirt, and the latte, both of which I am going to share with you.

Unfuck the World T shirts 

First- here is where to go to get the unbelievably cool Unfuck the World T shirts. They have hoodies, too, and I plan on acquiring one of those ASAP. Click HERE FOR THE WEBSITE and to order. And the coolest part- they donate half the price of the shirt to a charity of your choice- you choose between the three they offer.  These also will make great gifts for your favorite revolutionaries. When I posted this picture on facebook of me last week at the TPP Protest (if you didn't get a chance to read that blog, click HERE) I was bombarded with people asking where they might get one. People love them! Just maybe not your right wing conservatives. Which only makes me love them a little more. This t shirt Shakes the Hive fo sho!

Shake the Hive! Unfuck the World!

Now for the second cool discovery...

Golden Turmeric Latte Recipe

This is super easy to make at home. It gets really creamy- almost too creamy- if you heat it up over a high flame, so don't go crazy.

Pour almond milk in a pan and heat slowly over medium flame.
In a mug, put 1/2 tspn turmeric and a few slices ginger and some honey
(make sure you get high quality, not from a major grocery chain but from a health food store. You can also get the real root and slice it up, I have some of that, too)
Pour heated almond milk over that and stir

There are some variations I have been playing with- like today I made black tea and added it to the almond milk so it wasn't so creamy. I also added a little bit of the following- nutmeg, cardamom, clove, cinnamon. Since it already had ginger in it, this was basically a version of chai tea- although to make real chai you need to brew and steep those ingredients longer in water, then add tea bags and steep, then remove, strain, and add almond milk and honey.

I am a little bit shocked that since I have been drinking these in the morning, I have not wanted coffee. Which saves me $5 a day, and that doesn't suck. I have not had lack-of-coffee headaches and really don't miss it. And my skin looks amazing!

I was going to try to list all the health benefits of turmeric, but there are simply too many to list. Click RIGHT HERE for University of Maryland's findings on the turmeric.

Golden Turmeric Latte- creamy yummy goodness!

March Against Monsanto RT clip/ Look for Ashley Dane up in this joint

So here is a third thing I found- not a discovery, but still pretty neat. I had done a little interview at the March Against Monsanto back in October, and then I never thought twice about it, and never did see it. At the TPP Protest, I saw the same interviewer (Ramon Galindo from RT, and I have to say that Ramon can be counted on to tell the truth the main stream media won't!)  and said hello. He asked me if I had seen the clip and I had not. So he sent me the link, and this is it. Vive la Resistance!

Since it is still Thanksgiving for 45 more minutes, I would like to give a shout of sincere gratitude for the people who both organize and show up to these marches, protests, and rallies.  I would also like a moment of silence for the 5 millions turkeys that were slaughtered for most people's family meal today. No judging- just recognition. May you find the deep joy and insane bliss of radical gratitude always.

Flip the script!


Ashley Dane
Shake the Hive

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Protest and Rally Against the TPP, Beverly Hills, CA

On Monday, November 25, 2013, 250 or so free thinking, radical dissenters gathered at  the Will Rogers park across from the Beverly Hills Hotel to protest the TPP- which stands for the Trans Pacific Partnership.  Many folks don't know what the TPP is, much less why it is a threat to their well being. Now, admittedly, most people don't care about 'abstract threats'. What I mean by abstract threats are any threats that do not affect someone in a personal and/or immediate way. If someone said the internet would be shut down tomorrow- I think the entire globe would gather to protest. This is not an immanent threat under the TPP, although many internet freedoms are affected, were it to go through. (I bet that got someone's interest!)

Shake the Hive's Ashley Dane at the TPP Protest

I will fully confess that I am not one of those people who can read about things like this- from the leaked TPP text on Wikileaks, to the many articles written in the alternative news media, and even some sort of main stream media sources - and remember all of the salient details. As a result, I may not be able to address all the different issues that come up in a conversation, which I know at times might make me seem uninformed to those who, every once in a while, want to debate with me. On the contrary- I have read A LOT about it, assimilated the information, and have come to the conclusion that were the TPP to come to fruition, it would be a giant step forward in the world domination by corporations. We have long heard the term- New World Order. To the point, perhaps, where we don't really think about what it means, its become a rather generic and lackluster term, when it should invoke dread. A New World Order points to a single governing body ruling the entire planet, a handful of people (and its not the elected officials, ultimately, but people behind the scenes, whose names you may know, but most likely don't) calling the shots, and unilateral governing principles applying globally. The TPP is not that, but its pointing to that eventuality.  This is only my take on it- there are other versions of what people think, I can only tell you mine.  And here is someone else's very informed take on it- this video is Lauren Steiner, the powerhouse behind the TPP Protest, who very eloquently spells out some of the evils that would result from the enactment of this 'trade' agreement-

After Lauren spoke, Marianne Williamson, spiritual activist extraordinaire and best selling author who is running for Congress and also spoke. Her speech was a rousing and eloquent one, which I wish I could have also recorded, but I ran out space on my phone.

Marianne Williamson at the TPP rally

Despite the fact that the pact has been negotiated in near complete secrecy, what has been revealed is deeply troubling. It seems clear that, behind this veil of secrecy, the TPP deals with not only free trade, but bigger government, stricter laws and less accountability. As a result, the land, water and air in these 12 countries, along their borders, and across the oceans will all suffer.

Through a little-known provision called "investor-state dispute settlement," the TPP will elevate foreign corporations to the nation status. This gives corporations the unbridled power to challenge virtually any policy, including environmental protections, which they think will harm their profits. The TPP then allows these businesses to sue governments in private trade tribunals for unlimited compensation.

That greedy corporations will take full advantage of these powers is a no-brainer. ExxonMobil and Chevron have already used similar rules in other trade deals to initiate more than 500 lawsuits against 95 governments. One such case currently under way involves a U.S. oil company suing Canada, under the North American Free Trade Agreement, for $250 million because the province’s reasonable moratorium on fracking might hurt their ability to rake in more profits.- Steven M. Thiese, Salt Lake City Tribune
I have no words, except to say I have no words.

These are troubling times in the world. Its almost too much to keep up with all that needs addressing, all that calls for concern and action. One can get lost in it all, and once you start knowing, you can't unring that bell- and sometimes, for a brief moment, you might want to. But ignorance is not bliss. The ignorance of others creates more work for those who would speak for all human beings that expect the world to keep spinning as it has. The ignorance of others makes the pillaging corporations ever more powerful and nefarious- its those who remain silent and turn a blind eye that allow for these ills to happen. We all have a responsibility to know what is happening, and to speak out against it- from posting articles on your facebook page (click here for Shake the Hive's page) and twitter, talking about it, writing blogs, getting involved in marches or with organizations who are seeking to effect change...and, as I always talk about, making serious alterations (in small, manageable increments, or broad strokes, whatever works for you as long as it something) in your consumer choices. Do what you can, where you are, with what you have. There are more of us than them, so dissent is really the only sane answer. Rise up!

And that's what we did last night- we rose up, we yelled, we banged on pots and drums, we marched up to the intersection where the POTUS was going to be driving by on his way to a fundraiser at Magic Johnson's house.  We made new friends and allies in the cause, and fortified our resolve in the knowledge that we are united in a cause, and that's a powerful thing in itself. At every protest, march and rally I join in, I walk away feeling like I am part of something, that there IS a movement, and I am part of it. We have each other, and more and more people join the movement every day, in different ways. That is what Shake the Hive is all about- Dissent! Revolt! Upheaval! Not in a violent or destructive way, but in a critical and constructive sense- upset your own applecart, the one that exists in the illusion of the American Dream and unrelenting consumerism, the illusion in which you took the wooden nickel and still don't realize that it has no value. The illusion that everything you know is true. Rebel against what you think you know, question it all, and find out what has real value and meaning in your own life, and in the big picture of you as an inhabitant on this planet with so many others. Its not a suggestion, really, although I know its best to state it as such. Its a moral imperative. Its what is required of us, if we as a species are to survive. If corporations are allowed to proceed unchecked, then the end is certainly near. The end of many things we take for granted now, and the real and true end of life on this planet- maybe not in our life time, but it should not be something we can predict. It should be something that isn't being discussed as an inevitable future. We need to learn to live sustainably, and as long as capitalistic greed is the driving force- AND WE ALLOW IT TO BE, we don't stand much of chance.
Shake the Hive!!!

Ashley Dane
Shake the Hive

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Molotov Quinoa Bowl with Black Beans- a radical recipe from the New Anarchist Cookbook

This is my new favorite food. I seriously have eaten only this for the past four days, and its amazing.

Normally I don't start with the after picture, but I just need to go TA-DA! with this dish.  Its so very easy, so full of nutrients, and so delicious that I just gotta give myself a high five.

(And for all those who offered help with the name, I have given you credit at the end of the recipe, and thank you!)

Molotov Quinoa Bowl. Pyewacket the cat is bird dogging my dinner

Here is what you'll need-

Organic black beans- 1 can
organic quinoa- 1 cup
organic avocado-
organic tomato-
organic garlic- 2 cloves
purple onion- 1
goat cheese
Pink Himalayan sea salt

The organic, whole food fixin's of a Molotov Quinoa Bowl o' goodness

I have a rice cooker, which I couldn't live without. If you don't, then follow the directions on the quinoa. While the quinoa is cooking, I put the black beans on a skillet on low/ medium, and then cut up the garlic and onion (I used a quarter of the onion) and put that in with the beans to simmer.

While that is all simmering and cooking, I cut up the tomato (about half of it) into diced chunks and the same with the avocado and set it on the side.

Eat it! The revolution is all about bomb ass cooking with organic and locally grown whole foods.

When the quinoa is ready,  dump that and the tomatoes into the beans and mix it all up, and let it simmer for a few minutes. Then  take out the amount that is to be eaten right away (so you can save the rest without putting the very perishable and not good to re-heat avocado and goat cheese in all of it) and add the goat cheese, avocado, and pink Himalayan sea salt.

This is enough for two people, if you use all of it. I usually save half and re-heat the next day, adding more avocado and goat cheese after I've re-heated it- and not by microwave, ever. At least thats my preference, and I have a blog about that, too.

Now amaze yourself and eat it! Being a revolutionary is fun. If you choose this, no meat, no GMOs, non processed whole food, organic and hopefully locally grown- then you have just contributed to the cause in a very significant way. And if can try something new and make it part of your lifestyle, eventually you will replace all the crap you once ate with the goodness that is found in the New Anarchist's Cookbook (until its in print, it can only be found here at Shake the Hive on blogspot), or any number of other places- the point is, when we stop paying our hard earned money for their sickness inducing factory farmed genetically modified, rain forest raping foods and invest in the good stuff, the good guys- we tip the scales a little bit. And we stay healthy and therefore out of the reach of Big Pharma. There is a lot to stay healthy for, and protesting the evils of the world is one of them. Occupy yourself!!!

Yes! Very true! Occupy yourself and re-appraise your eating habits from a revolutionary standpoint.

By the way, I enlisted the help of Facebook friends to help come up with a revolutionary name for this dish, and here are all the clever names they came up with....

Michael Jedrzejewski Nom Nom de Guerre.

    Allen Keller Jerry Rubin Sandwich
    Brett Solomon Sacquinoa & Vanzetti
    Michael Jedrzejewski The Quinoa is Dead.
    Ashley Dane Oh my god, these are awesome, don't stop!
    Dave Willey The Bottom Feeder
    Dave Willey The Black Russian
    Dave Willey Da Kold War Bowl
    Robert Knoop The Black Decemberist's Algonquinoa Bowl
    Kevin Vaughn Quinoafied bean occupation bowl
    Brett Solomon Quinoam nomnomski
    Kevin Bisch The Prole Bowl.
    Ashley Dane Prole Bowl....hmm. Thats nice and succinct. Maybe Prole Bean Bowl
    Ashley Dane Although my god, there are some amazing and clever posts here. I am in love with all of them
    Ashley Dane Quinoam Nomnomski- Brett, thats bold
    Michael Jedrzejewski The Communist Manifeasto.
    Blitch SixSix It would need to be a super hot dish to be Molotov Quinoa I think. If so drop 'bowl'
    Saralise Antara Nada Azrael I.e. Both of them come from south america, and considered new world crops....
    Glen Casebeer New World Hors d'oeuvre
    Dave Willey (offa Saralise...) New World Cup! Get the frat boyz up in there!
    Paul Ill Chile ala Che
    Eustace Fox MacDonald Improvised Quinoa Bean Device
    Guy Byrd A delicious bowl of " Kick your @## quinoa chaos!"

  • xoxo,

    Ashley Dane
    Shake the Hive