Friday, June 28, 2013

Hell to the Yes Non GMO Liquid Salad with Mango Sorbet

So- check it out. I drink two cups of this every day. What I am about to show you how to make will make two 16 ounce cups- and its really yummy so you won't be holding your nose while you drink it.  
That is one cup of kale and one cup of spinach from my local farmer's market. There is no way that I would ever eat that much green stuff in one day- at least, not yet. I still have to force down vegetables, but I am slowly but surely learning to train my taste buds. I don't want to be a slave to anything- not even myself. Thus the phrase "OCCUPY YOURSELF".
After I throw in one cup of kale and one cup of spinach, I put in about a half cup of almond or coconut milk and blend. It ends up looking like this-

Yeah, that's a picture of Ray Charles in the back, which I thought looked better than our crusty old toaster. After it looks like this, I add 6 big or 10 small strawberries from the farmer's market. After that, a banana. Sometimes I add yogurt, or 16 raw almonds, depending on what I have on hand. Almonds are crazy good for you, and 16 constitutes a serving.

Next I add either 2 tablespoons of chia seeds or the same amount of flax seeds. These things are little superfoods and have more nutrients and omega fatty acids and antioxidants than you can shake a stick at. You can double up if you want to, but then the smoothie gets really gloopy and you need a spoon to eat it.

Sometimes I need to add more almond milk to get the consistency right. Then I add a few scoops of mango sorbet, just to make it sweet and something I really look forward to drinking. I still need to psyche myself out- while I want to retrain my tastebuds, I can't completely ignore the fact that I appreciate sweetness and, as Mary Poppins says, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.

Hell to the Yes Non GMO Liquid Salad with Mango Sorbet


So- I know what you are thinking. That doesn't look very good. I wouldn't think so, either, but when I look at all the really powerfully nutrient dense foods that went into it, I am thankful for such a thing as blenders! This makes two very full cups, and I gulp them both down. Why not? Its yummy. I look forward to it.

This stuff almost all comes from my farmer's market in my area, except the seeds, almond milk, and mango sorbet. Drinking a big cup of this is like saying Up Yours to Monsanto and the GMO creeps who seek to dominate the world's food supply. And- it doesn't hurt that its super healthy, and could stave off illnesses that would require medicine and doctor bills- yet another corporation I am not trying to give my hard earned dollars to. This revolution takes place in the kitchen, but its impact is like butterfly wings that create a hurricane on the other side of the world- if we all did it, the world would change. And if the zombie apocalypse ever did come, we know who is gonna outrun those suckers.

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