Monday, June 10, 2013

Who Is This Person?

Its not always easy to learn to do things differently.

On Sunday when I was walking through the farmer's market with my recycled bags chock full of green stuff  and fruit, I had one of those cool moments where you wonder, "Hey, who is this person???"   This is sooooo not me. And yet it feels exactly right. You have to understand, those of you who don't know me- up until about 6 weeks ago I nearly refused to eat fruit or vegetables and never drank water. (To be perfectly honest, I haven't tackled the water issue yet, so I am just blowing the whistle on myself right this instant). My epiphany to change my whole lifestyle around food is in a previous blog, but I do want to re-iterate- this isn't a 'get healthy' regime. This is a revolutionary stance.

Every time I eat something from the farmer's market, something locally grown, it is the biggest statement I can make- it is a pure 'f*ck you' to the major food corporations that seek to dominate the world food supply, tainted as it is with their genetically modified organisms.

Let me paint a brief but all to possible scenario. Monsanto and the other 'bad guys' dominate the world food supply. The bees, which are now dying in alarming numbers, all but die out, leaving the world to rely on Genetically Modified Foods, and their patented 'Super Bee'. Human who ingest this so called food- more like a food product- suffer from weakened immune systems- they get sick often, they are weaker, they are born with birth defects, their organs are deformed like the lab rats who have been fed GMO diets, they run greater and greater risk of cancer- and the humans, they work hard to PAY for this food that makes them sick. Then they work hard and pay for the healthcare, which, by the way, is also another corporate domination. Entire lives are lived working to buy food that causes one to work harder to buy medicine and healthcare. This is a watered down version of the Matrix- plugged into the cannibalizing dream machine. The very people who are in danger are mollified by social media, even giving all the details of their private lives- to the dreaded machine. And here is what it will look like, if people don't wake up- a future in which the only truly healthy people are the rich, who can afford to eat naturally grown foods.

I want to be very clear- I am not a conspiracy theorist. Not by a long shot. But when the ship is taking on water, you have to understand the next most likely scenario in order to act appropriately.

For me, that means a re-invention of my attitudes and habits around nearly everything- but I am starting with food. On Friday I got my first seedlings for the Living Garden Tower project- a tower made for the growing of gardens even in urban areas where soil and land to grow food is scarce.

Today I planted the seedlings in the Living Garden Towers.

I am starting with just one tower while I get the hang of it. I am not even sure what all I planted- tomatoes, zucchini, kale, some other cool edible stuff. And you know what? Doing all of this It sounds counterintuitive, but I guess when you get into a cool groove that feels like you are doing good, it just feels amazing. Way better than being an unconscious consumer- like me chowing down on some giant ribs and a bucket of coke at a rib joint in Texas, below. Now don't get me wrong- that was some good eatin', but those days are over.

This Sunday I will begin my first day of beekeeping mentoring. More to come!


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