Friday, June 21, 2013



If you don't know what grok means, you are in for a treat. its one of my favorite words. Here is what Wikipedia has to say about it-

To grok /ˈɡrɒk/ is to intimately and completely share the same reality or line of thinking with another physical or conceptual entity. Author Robert A. Heinlein coined the term in his best-selling 1961 book Stranger in a Strange Land. In Heinlein's view, grokking is the intermingling of intelligence that necessarily affects both the observer and the observed. From the novel:
Grok means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed—to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience. It means almost everything that we mean by religion, philosophy, and science—and it means as little to us (because of our Earthling assumptions) as color means to a blind man.

So- I grok you. I get you, whoever you are, and at whatever phase of your own personal development you are in- I get it. I get you. And I write this blog because not only do I grok you, but I want you to grok me, too. Not me- actually I don't mean that. I mean this, exactly- I am not writing this blog so you like me, I am writing it because I care about you, and I want you to understand what I care about for your future in such a way that we get on the same page and do something about this grim future into which we are all hurtling headlong.

Because I care about YOU, and your children- both born and yet to be, and your grandchildren and their grandchildren, I write this blog to share my journey into living consciously and in accord with the needs of the planet. This planet, the one that the power mad and supremely bad corporatocracy is killing off. And not just the needs of the planet, but the people on it, who are being poisoned, lied to, misled, bled dry. Not to mention the bigger atrocities, about which we all hear on the news daily.

One can not be on a mission for everything and all issues, so I chose issues that I can actually do, on a daily basis, to be one less contributor to the problem. And the more people I can reach with this message, the more people who start to become aware and do things differently, the better the chances we all have. I don't know how to stop the atrocities that are so rampant- but every day I can not support any companies that put out food with GMOs, I can not eat any fast food, I can use recycled bags for groceries and turn off lights and shop local as much as possible, I can learn to raise bees and grow gardens and teach people how to do it, and I can help try to shed light on what it means to OCCUPY YOURSELF, in blogs such as this. Crawling leads to walking leads to running- but we all have to start somewhere.

OCCUPY YOURSELF is an internal revolution, one that seeks to create change in oneself. And in so doing, others will be affected- they will see it, they will learn, and they may change too. Our kids are watching us (my kids are watching me) our friends, family, mates. We all have a circle of influence, and we can be the change the world needs inside those circles.

I will write more on OCCUPY YOURSELF in a later blog. This one is mostly just to say- whoever you are, I care about you. It is why I do what I do. I do this because I want you to know we have been programmed to be sheep and to accept the McHappylife that has been handed to us- I hope you question that. Start with the food you eat and I promise it will take on a life of its own. You will feel the spirit of revolution take over your whole being- and its an exciting feeling. I want you to have that. Its liberation at its finest, because it is the act of liberating yourself.

The more you share this blog, follow it, comment on it, the higher the google ranking, and the higher that is, the more people it will reach. Help me reach more people; help me reach YOU. Its time to change things. You don't have to throw a Molotov cocktail- you can throw out all your processed foods.

Accept no substitute- this is YOUR life- own it! OCCUPY YOURSELF!

I also have another blog which is more about the spiritual journey- this one is more about the cause. that one is more about the soul. But they both take place hand in hand, and speak to radical transformation and delightfully rambunctious, playful,and absolute organic authenticity. (

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